Multi-Sensory Fusionism
Interactive sculpture of acrylics on plywood with found objects, circuit-bent toys, audio and lights
9' H x 2' W x 16" D
IInteractive sculpture of acrylics on plywood with found objects, circiut-bent toys, audio and lights
9' H x 2' W x 16" D
Interactive sculpture of plywood and formica with video animations, digital images on acetate, soundtrack and mixing board with special effects
11' H x 4' W x 16" D
Interactive sculpture of plywood and formica with video animations, digital images on acetate, soundtrack and mixing board with special effects
11' H x 4' W x 16" D
Video projection with audio and text on sculptural painting comprised of medicine cabinet, two-way mirror, oils on hardwood with found objects and lights
Oils on plywood with found objects, electric light, dirt, artificial aromas and sound
12' H x 9' W x 6.5' D
Multi-sensory installation with text, found objects, lights, video projection, audio and artificial aromas
Oils on plywood with found objects, electric light, dirt, artificial aromas and sound
12' H x 9' W x 6.5' D